
New pics

The most beautiful girl in the whole world!!!
My boy being his silly self
In the car on our way to Gangle's house
I love my boppy
Leavin the hospital to go home! And a lil pissed
Gettin all cleaned up
My boys <3
Lil Miss Priss
I was attacked & ambushed by my boys!
6 days old & playin with Daddy


April said...

She couldn't be any cuter if she tried. I can tell she is already a daddy's girl isn't she!?! I am so happy for you girl. I just want to squeeze those precious baby cheeks.

Unknown said...

Awww honey she is just gorgeous, like her mummy :) Congrats to you all!!

Tam said...

*sigh* I am so in love with her...she is so cute!!

the real ~Roxann~ said...

Lovin' the new photos! Such a pretty girl!

Ariana Rose said...

She's adorable! I love baby girls! Aww and Ryker looks so happy in the post below.