
Once again: I AM the motherfuckin princess!!

*Went shopping yesterday. Got a lot. Spent a lot. Victoria's Secret loves me! I spent $737.00 there alone. Most of it was clothes. Summer dresses & tops. Ryan was lovin it! =) (Take a peek at some of what I got)

*Ryan & I were talking about getting a book to read together a few days ago. And since I read all the time & can pretty much read anything, I left the choice of book up to Ryan. He did really, really good. True Believer by Nicholas Sparks. Looks perfect for us. We start tonight (it was killing me to not start last night) & I can't wait!

*I am also looking forward to the season finale of Ugly Betty tonight. Seems like the end of season shows are coming early this year & they keep starting later. UGH! TV really pisses me off. I just remembered why I never use to watch TV.

*I really wanna clean my house. It doesn't look too bad but it does need some quick cleaning. Plus who doesn't just love a super clean looking house? And that fresh smell is great! Where is Ren when I need her? I sooooooo miss our 15 min cleaning challenges! I had the best time doing those. Wish we could still play like that.

*Need to find some new recipes as well. Getting tired of the same thing over & over. I have been on a cooking streak as of late. Maybe it's the whole I am getting married thing. I dunno. I love cooking but I am so sick of nothing new. Nothing even sounds good anymore. It's just food. Whatever.

*Last night was a pamper me night. Ryker was playing with his lil buddy, Austin & Ryan was resting. I took the longest, hottest bath. Steamed my face then exfoliated, followed by a mask (both wear a homemade recipe I found in Charm magazine), then I used a lemon toner (which worked WONDERS), And then my Aveeno. I shaved, exfoliated my whole lil body & then drenched my skin in this heavenly body butter. My skin hasn't looked or felt this good in awhile!

On that note, I think I wrap things up here & take my lazy butt to the shower. Hope everyone enjoys their day! I only have 2 more days of freedom. *smoochies*


Unknown said...

WOW girl, you sure had a great shopping spree, wish it was me lol
SOme awesome tops, lets see some pics of YOU in them :)

Ren said...

I here I here I here!

We can still play... just gotta do it through email!

I've got tons to get done tomorrow - I'll email you when I start - you're so super busy at the moment though...

Love and miss you! Can't wait to call you again...